Louisville Neighborhoods - Butchertown

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Mrs. Barnett was born and raised near Butchertown and the couple lived in Butchertown for 38 years and Mrs. Barnett is working there until present (1985).
Ed Bowles was born in Butchertown. He owned a grocery in the area for 13 years and has realty office there through 1985.
Avery Brickles lived in Butchertown since 1943. At time of interview, he lived in a renovated house that was re-done for the Wallis family in 1979 with money from Community Action Commission. Mr. Brickles' nephew purchased the house from the Wallis family after Mrs. Wallis died, and Brickles was renting it from his nephew. Mr. Brickles moved to Louisville from Ohio after serving in the US Navy. He had already been interested in local politics and was instrumental in obtaining voting rights for many Butchertown residents and then on each voting date was sure that everyone who wanted to do so voted. He speaks of his local political interests.
Edward Carle was born and raised in Butchertown, now raising young family in same.
Paul Carle was born and raised in Butchertown. Son and grandchildren now being raised there.
Christine Cheatham lived in Butchertown for 42 years and now living in one of the renovated houses that had been a grocery and tavern.
Catherine Childers worked in Butchertown for 34 years, and was baptized 60 years ago in now The Grace United Church of Christ on Story Avenue.
Maudie Davis was born and raised in Butchertown. She is 79 years old now and lives in home she and her husband bought after the 1937 flood.
Butchertown History.
June H. Fischer is the Director of Wesley Community House from 1979 to present (1985). Gives history of the social service agency in Butchertown.
Albert Horrar remembers the Butchertown Neighborhood prior to WWII.
Bessie Keeling talks about the first family-owned slaughter house.
Dorothy Lutes was born and raised in Butchertown and lived in same house on Story Avenue for over 50 years.
Helen Mandlebaum lives in Wesley Community House for 18 years. Worked at Wesley House from 1938-1979. Involved in Butchertown from 1938 to present (1985).
Nancy Nazier was a former teacher at Washington School from 1928-1960.
Rose Nordmann was born and live in Butchertown for 38 years, and still active at St. Joseph Church and works in brother's Plumbing store and is in the Realty business.
Louise Payton lived in Butchertown since 1937, owns home to present. Worked for 21 years in neighborhood.
Bruce Pierce is the general manager of Bourbon Stock Yards.
Carrie Pierson lived in Butchertown for 73 years, and now she is 83. She never owned property and lives on social security.
Mildred Robards lived in Butchertown for 35 years. She worked at Cohen Dry Goods for 23 years.
Georgia Schurch lived in Butchertown all of her 83 years.
Roy Short was born and spent childhood in Butchertown and later became a Methodist Preacher at Marcus Lindsey in Butchertown.
Roy Short was born and spent childhood in Butchertown and later became a Methodist Preacher at Marcus Lindsey in Butchertown.
Ethel Stoke lived in Butchertown during elementary and high school days, from 1940s and still volunteers there. Her grandchildren are in day care at Wesley House.
Harry Troutman worked at Stock Yards Bank beginning in 1941. At the time of the interview, he was Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer. The Stock Yard Bank was founded by a group of businessmen who had their livelihood in Butchertown: Oertel Brewery, Logan Company, Fischer Packing, etc. and the Stock Yards. Among its claims to fame is having the first drive-in facilities in the city of Louisville.
Kathleen Trunick was born and raised in Butchertown and "Point" area. Worked as administrative assistant at Wesley Community House for 33 years. She married John Trunick, a lifetime resident of Butchertown and they raised two daughters in the area.
The narrator was born and live in Butchertown all her life, from 1909 to present (1984).
Ann Waters was born on Point. She had a "Mom and Pop" store on Story Avenue for 20 years. At 84 years old she was a member of Wesley Community House.