Congregation Adath Jeshurun (Louisville, Ky.)

= Audio Available Online
Berman discusses Beth Hamedrash Hagadol, the Louisville Hebrew School, the Young Men's Hebrew Association, Neighborhood House, the Adath Jeshurun Sunday school, synagogue picnics, the Phoenix Hill Neighborhood, Liberty Hall, and World War I.
The narrator discusses the origins of Adath Jeshurun congregation as well as the neighborhoods she lived in, including the West End.
Annette Gale's parents were Jenny and Aaron Vine, her grandmother was Blema Vine. They were all from Poland and immigrated to New York and then to Louisville in 1922. She tells of her youth and the Walnut to Magnolia and Brook Street areas. Her parents had a grocery store. Associated families: Eva Yussman, Herman Cohen, Freda Gurwitch, Minnie Cohen, Rose Tarbis. Discusses Jewish merchants, the American Grocery Co., the University of Louisville, Girls High School, transportation, Adath Jeshurun, Talmud Torah, going to Keat's Theatre at 5th and Walnut, radio, Young Men's Hebrew Association, World War II, and the 1937 flood.
The narrator discusses the Louisville Hebrew School and Adath Jeshurun congregation.
Sadye Grossman was 86 years of age at the time of this interview. She was a Louisville native. Her parents were born Russia, and lived at 9th and Market over their store. This was a Jewish neighborhood at the time. Discusses Adath Jeshurun, Young Men's Hebrew Association (YMHA), Ronetta Meyer, Wiles Groceries, prices, and recreation. Her husband, Maurice Grossman, served as general secretary of the YMHA for two years. She discusses the YMHA, and the war years.
A Louisville native, Anne Karl was born in 1900. Her father, Jacob Simons, came to the Louisville in 1890. He was a shoemaker, but became a peddler. His parents were from Kovno Guberniya. Discusses Preston and Floyd Streets (shoe store and school), the Jewish butcher on Jefferson Street, Morris School, Young Men's Hebrew Association at 1st Street, Floyd and Chestnut School (which became Adath Jeshurun), and the winter of 1917, which was bad. She also discusses the YMHA at 2nd and College Streets, and Bea and Minnie Isaacs, who were ardent Zionists. She talks about politics, the Jewish community, the Ladies Hebrew Society, Rabbi Zarchy, and Mrs. Morris Salzman.
Landau and Grossman discuss the Boy Scouts of America, B'nai Brith, Adath Jeshurun congregation, Louisville politics, the Young Men's Hebrew Association, the USO, the Louisville Orchestra, family history, the Jewish Community Federation, Louisville neighb
Miss Landau discusses various Louisville neighborhoods, her education and teaching career at the University of Louisville and other schools, the Dembitz and Brandeis families, the Young Men's Hebrew Association, and Adath Jeshurun congregation.
Levitch discusses Anshei Sfard Synagogue, Adath Israel Temple, the Max Nathan Orphanage, the Young Men's Hebrew Association, the Brownstein Family, and various local organizations. Levitch is president of the Southern Liquor Company.
Delores Levy discusses her father, Edward Shaikun, who was from Trokai in Russia. (Trokai was a resort, about 30 miiles from Vilna.) Her mother's family, Alec and Esther Lerner, were from White Russia; her mother was Eugenia Sophie Lerner Shaikun. Her siblings: Dian, Lester Shaikun, Elizabeth Weinberg, Delores, Sandy Zelony, Arnold Shaikun. She discusses the Depression, moving back to Greenburg, with Adath Jeshurun, University of Kentucky, the Jewish Community Center, and family, Udel Barry and Sheila Suebold, Michael Gerald, Sue Daniels, Jacob Edward, and Ira Richard.