Hyman Gurwitch's father, David Lee Gurwitch, arrived in the USA in 1910. His mother followed with his sisters Mildred, Molly, then Freda and Bessie. David Lee Gurwitch bought a butcher shop on 7th Street. Associated families/people: Nathan Khan, Flumbaum, Baniss Cohen, Sol Waxman, Eichel, Lipetz, Goldsmith, O'Koon, Streicher, Shaiken, Joseph Friedman, Rosen, Harry Goldberg, Block, Fehr, Rosenbaum, Eichenholtz, Morgan, Ethel Sher, Jerome Binder, Harry Cole, Willie Waits, Ike Gumer. Discusses Sidney Passamaneck/Leonard Stern and the Model Drugstore. Discusses Young Men's Hebrew Association, Adath Israel Sabbath School, Talmud Torah, Brook and Floyd (Simon's Grocery), 7th Street, Liberty and Jefferson. Graduate in pharmacy. Discusses YMHA Basketball, gold, handball, 1936 car prices, 1937 flood, 1974 tornado, and a tribute to Pauline (Sandler) Brill.
Jews--Kentucky--Louisville, Jewish religious schools--Kentucky--Louisville, Young Men's Hebrew Association (Louisville, Ky.), Floods--Kentucky--Louisville, Tornados--Kentucky--Louisville