Hale, John

62 mins.
Muzquiz, Pani
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Dr. John Hale was born in New Albany, Indiana and attended Yale University as an undergraduate majoring in Archaeology. Dr. Hale completed his PhD at Cambridge University and subsequently returned to live in southern Indiana and teach in nearby Louisville, Kentucky. Dr. Hale has been involved in several high profile archeological expeditions, including one in which the source of the hallucination inducing gas under the temple at Delphi, Greece was discovered, as well as several underwater archeological explorations. Dr. John Hale discusses growing up in New Albany Indiana and discovering his passion for archaeology. Dr. Hale relates his experiences as a student under the tutelage of the historian Donald Kagan. Dr. Hale discusses his early career at the University of Louisville and the evolution of the university from a small commuter school to a nationally known university since the 1980s.
University of Louisville - History