A Louisville native, Anne Karl was born in 1900. Her father, Jacob Simons, came to the Louisville in 1890. He was a shoemaker, but became a peddler. His parents were from Kovno Guberniya. Discusses Preston and Floyd Streets (shoe store and school), the Jewish butcher on Jefferson Street, Morris School, Young Men's Hebrew Association at 1st Street, Floyd and Chestnut School (which became Adath Jeshurun), and the winter of 1917, which was bad. She also discusses the YMHA at 2nd and College Streets, and Bea and Minnie Isaacs, who were ardent Zionists. She talks about politics, the Jewish community, the Ladies Hebrew Society, Rabbi Zarchy, and Mrs. Morris Salzman.
Jews--Kentucky--Louisville, Congregation Adath Jeshurun (Louisville, Ky.), Young Men's Hebrew Association (Louisville, Ky.)