Popham, Susan

37 minutes
Glover, Chuck
Transcription available:
University of Louisville Writing Center Oral Histories
Series ID:
Interview Number(s):
Dr. Susan Popham was a PhD student working as a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) in the Writing Center at UofL from 1999 into the early 2000’s. In addition to being a consultant in the Writing Center, she also held the position of Assistant Director. She worked under Dr. Carol Maddingly, who was the Director of the Writing Center at the time and talks fondly of her relationship and learning experiences with her supervisor. Popham discusses her interactions with other consultants at the Writing Center and the community that they built together to help students. During the time of the interview, she was teaching composition at another college and describes how her experiences in the Writing Center at UofL prepared her for her current role as a teacher of college writing. Popham had a unique experience as a graduate student at UofL because she witnessed large developments and evolutions in the Writing Center, which included the relocation of the facility from the upstairs portion of the library to its current location on the first floor. Moreover, during her time at UofL, she observed the revamp of the composition program and the creation of specialized courses on tutoring and methods for working with students in writing centers.
Writing centers, Graduate teaching assistants, University of Louisville Writing Center