Skaggs, Otis

71 minutes
Standridge, Elizabeth
Transcription available:
Home is Not A House
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Otis Skaggs, a participant in the St. John Center Permanent Supportive Housing Program, was born in Louisville, Kentucky but lived in Larue County. He recounts his life and experiences after dropping out of Western Kentucky University and becoming "a hippie." He recalls hitchhiking, and periods of working various jobs including in ski towns in Colorado. He later moved back to Kentucky working at an Accutec factory while sleeping outside. In an accident Otis was hit by a car and had to stay in a nursing home to recover. During this time he says he realized he no longer wanted to stay outside and called Sarah Buckler (who now works for St. John Center) who had previously offered to help him get into housing. From there, he moved into an apartment, and relays several moves and changes in case manager he has had. Throughout the interview Otis emphasizes his spirituality which he describes as "Christian Buddhist," while also discussing his experiences living outside, and periods of intermittent work and hitchhiking.
Housing, Homelessness, Shelters for the homeless, St. John Center (Louisville, Ky.)