Actors Theatre of Louisville

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Performed in The Pirates of Penzance which showed in 1972-1973, the first season at the Main Street location. Performed in the Lunchtime Theatre and in Adventure Theatre the same season. Took theatre class at UofL from Jon Jory and Ken Jenkins. Co-owner of Neo, a Louisville beauty salon. Crume was 22 years of age in 1972-73. Attended "Tricks" opening.
Theatregoers since they first moved to Louisville in 1967. David practices counseling; Martha runs Preservation Alliance Bookstore. Culls' interview covers plays they've seen from 1967-1989.
Became involved with ATL in 1966-1967. Served as ATL board president in 1978-79. Longtime ATL board member. His construction company performed the renovation of the Train Station and the Main Street locations. Dahlem's interview covers the years of his involvement.
Manager of restaurant "Downstairs at Actors." As of summer 1990, restaurant is called "Luckett's." Davidson's interview covers her management of the restaurant from the late 1970s to the present.
Shop foreman, ATL Scene Shop. Doenges' interview covers the late 1980s, his work as Master Foreman.
Worked with Actors Theatre of Louisville's teacher/student grant program, 1967. Professor of English and Humanities at U of L at the time of the interview, which covers his 1967 involvement with the grant program, his recollections of plays performed under Bock and Jory.
Active in Actors Associates from its 1966 beginnings. Served as its treasurer from 1966 through the following 11 years. Served as its president in 1977-78. Retired at the time of the interview.
Board member Theatre Louisville, 1964 on. Board member merged ATL, 1965 on, and a longtime board member. As of date of interview, she was part-owner of Allen House. Few's interview covers the earliest days of Theatre Louisville and goes through 1968-69.
Cast member ATL in 1965-1966 season. Presently Louisville equity actor. Bill was a board member of Theatre Louisville, and a board member of the merged ATL. At the time of the interview, he worked in the social services. Friedlanders' interview covers the years 1964-66.
Resident actor ATL, 1974-1989. Fry's interview covers his work as an actor, 1974-89 seasons.