Brith Sholom Temple (Louisville, Ky.)

= Audio Available Online
Leonard Devine was born in 1919. He lived in a Jewish Philadelphia neighborhood and describes his early life and Dr. Dembitz' (Gratz College) influence. He discusses Yeshiva College in New York City. He was ordained in 1940, and he talks about early pulpits. His first congregation was in Hamilton, Ohio; he was in Chicago 13 years and then came to Brith Sholom, in Louisville. He discusses Brith Sholom and individuals including Zach Oppenheimer, Sam Fishman, Milton Berman, Joe Wolf, and Irv Lipetz. He describes Louisville in 1969: the togetherness of rabbis and community in Louisville, Rabbi Roodman. He describes consolidation and changes since 1940 - schools, Day School, Russian families.
Morris Kling introduces himself and provides background information about his childhood. He discusses where he was born and raised in the city. He provides information on where he attended school including his Sunday school lessons at Brith Sholom. Mr. Kling discusses his mother and his father as well as his siblings. He talks about his interests through childhood and high school as well as his involvement with the Jewish Community Center and Brith Sholom Temple.