Courier-Journal (Louisville, Ky.)

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Mr. Baker joined the Courier-Journal as secretary after a career in banking. He was Treasurer, Vice President, Executive Vice-President and General Manager of the Courier-Journal and Louisville Times, WHAS, Inc., and Standard Gravure Corp.
Mr. Barry is presently a sports columnist for the Louisville Times. Active in journalism all of his adult life, Mr. Barry succeeded his father, John Barry, as publisher of the Kentucky Irish American newspaper. This paper was published until November, 19
An interview with Barry Bingham, Sr. continuing his discussion of his work at the helm of the Courier-Journal/Times companies.
Barry Bingham, Sr., chairman of the board of the Courier-Journal and Louisville Times, Standard Gravure Corporation, WHAS, Inc. and other Bingham enterprises.
Barry Bingham, Sr. provides memories of family life and history of the Courier-Journal and Louisville Times.
Barry Bingham, Jr., editor and publisher of the Courier-Journal and Louisville Times discusses his upbringing, education, and experience in television prior to moving into the leadership of the newspapers. He also discusses his experiences as editor and publisher, including leading the papers through controversies, and his vision of the future of newspapers.
Braden discusses her background and the background of her husband, the late Carl Braden working with the Courier-Journal newspaper during the 1940s; the Wade desegregation case and her husband's trial for sedition in 1954; anti-Vietnam War activities in Louisville; and Ms. Braden's work with Progress in Education (PIE), a pro-busing organization active in Louisville during the 1970s.
Mr. Caummisar joined the Courier-Journal and Louisville Times in 1934. The majority of his 30-year career (1934-1964) with the papers was spent in the circulation department. He retired from the position of director of promotion and public service at the Courier-Journal and Louisville Times in 1964.
Ms. Clowes joined the Courier-Journal in 1936 as a staff reporter. Her previous newspaper experience was with the old Herald-Post. She was named editor of the Courier-Journal editorial page in 1966, and held this position until her retirement.