
= Audio Available Online
summary available.
Bill Allison, a lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union of Kentucky, acted as an appeals attorney for one of the Black Six defendants, Ruth Bryant. The Black Six were a group of five men and one woman who were prosecuted for inciting rebellion during the Parkland Uprising of 1968. Allison also represented the Black Panthers in Louisville and in Memphis, Tennessee. In this interview, Allison speaks about cases he was involved in involving government repression and retaliation against Civil Rights activists and how he became involved in that work through the Southern Conference Educational Fund, serving as SCEF's lawyer from 1969 to 1974.
Altsheler, a former trustee of the University of Louisville, discusses his lifelong interest in education and the advancements made in Louisville in his lifetime.
Ansback deals with the changes that she has experienced that relate to Jefferson County, Kentucky, schools before and after busing. Items such as teacher attitudes, disciplines, academic achievement, and the PTA organization.
Spoke about Dr. Banks' music and jazz education and career, as well as his impressions on the development of the Louisville Jazz scene in his 13 years teaching at the University of Louisville.
Sheree Beaumont was a teacher at Norton Elementary School at the time this interview was conducted. She answered questions regarding her younger influences, teaching experience, and thoughts about KERA (Kentucky Education Reform Act) and the teaching profession in general.
summary available.
Civil rights activist and journalist Anne Braden talks about the civil rights movement in Louisville in the 1950s and 1960s. Topics explored include efforts for school integration, the public reaction to it, her family's experiences with school integration, and redistricting of the city; the West End Community Council and its efforts to keep the West End neighborhood integrated, white flight, and the open housing movement; the activities of SCEF (Southern Conference Educational Fund); the emergence of youth movements; the beginnings of groups like CORE (Congress of Racial Equality), the Committee for Democratic Schools, and the Gandhi Corps; Black Power organizations in Louisville like JOMO (Junta of Militant Organizations) and the Black Panthers; the trial of the Black 6 and the protests surrounding it; and many individuals who were involved in the civil rights movement.
A narrative by an individual who interviewed several others about their experiences in the military and at Fort Knox. Sergeant First Class Buono talks about enlisting in 1973, to enter immediately after high school. He was initially trained in law enforcement, and was assigned to the 320th Bomb Wing. He volunteered for and participated in Operation Baby Lift during the evacuation of Saigon. He discusses other assignments and training he received, leading up to his work as an instructor with the 3/100 at Fort Knox.
David Carpenter was unit administrator for the 3/100 training detachment at Fort Knox. Carpenter was drafted in 1972, and spent three years in active duty, after which he briefly left the service. He joined the reserves and eventually began serving as a unit administrator with the 410 Signal Company in Junction City, Wisconsin, in 1980. In 1982 he was transferred to the 100th Training Group. He discusses the group's mission and what they teach.