Kentucky School for the Blind

= Audio Available Online
Will Evans, APH Products and Services Director, became an employee of the American Printing House for the Blind in 1995, following his retirement as superintendent of the Kentucky School for the Blind. He talks about product development and promotion at APH and describes the company's product review process and product-education services, including the responsibilities of EPAC (Educational Services Advisory Committee) and EPAC (Educational Products Advisory Committee). Evans also talks about his career at the Kentucky School for the Blind and his experiences as a visually impaired student.
Gary Jones, who retired from the American Printing House for the Blind (APH) in 2004, talks about working as a proofreader in the company's Talking Book Studio and as a worker in the Quality Control Department, where he checked recorded materials, as well as braille writers that had been repaired. He also talks about the APH cafeteria and its first managers, Sam and Adam Begley; about the changes that occurred at the company with unionization in 1981; and about changes in technology that affected his job. He also discusses integration at the Kentucky School for the Blind (KSB) when he was a student there during the 1950s and mentions Otis Eads, an African American band teacher at the school.
Janet Williams talks about her work at the American Printing House for the Blind, where she retired as a braille proofreader in 2006. She describes the proofreading process, types of materials being proofread, and mentions supervisors, copyholders, and other proofreaders. She attended the Kentucky School for the Blind and describes the building and staff of the School's Colored Department, in which she was enrolled, and talks about the department's integration with the White Department in 1955.