
= Audio Available Online
A retired bishop of the AME Zion Church, the Rev. Felix Anderson discusses his childhood in Wilmington, North Carolina, and Boston, Mass.; his childhood and college education at Livingston College, an AME Zion school in Wilmington, from which he graduated in 1920; seminary training at Hood Theological School and Western Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; various pastorates and teaching experiences; coming to Louisville in 1948 as pastor of Broadway Temple AME Zion; entering local politics and his election to the Kentucky General Assembly, where he served from 1954 to 1960; and recollections of civil rights work in Alabama during the 1960s.
Bendl, who was a state representative in Jefferson County, Kentucky at the time of her interview, discusses her experiences in the public arena and answers questions about her positions on particular issues.
Stovall was the first woman Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky. She discusses her personal history and experiences in politics.
This interview was conducted while Stovall was serving as Lt. Governor. She discusses her long political career in Kentucky and the difficulties women face in politics.