Meyzeek Middle School (Louisville, Ky.)

= Audio Available Online
History of Jackson Junior High School, Louisville, Kentucky.
History of Booker T. Washington Elementary and Jackson Junior High Schools, Louisville, Kentucky. These schools formerly operated on the campus that is now home to Meyzeek Middle School. These schools formerly operated on the campus that is now home to Meyzeek Middle School.
History of Booker T. Washington Elementary and Jackson Junior High Schools, Louisville, Kentucky. These schools formerly operated on the campus that is now home to Meyzeek Middle School.
History of Booker T. Washington Elementary and Jackson Junior High Schools, Louisville, Kentucky. These schools formerly operated on the campus that is now home to Meyzeek Middle School.
History of Jackson Junior High School, Louisville, Kentucky. Jackson Junior High formerly operated on the campus that is now home to Meyzeek Middle School.
History of Booker T. Washington Elementary and Jackson Junior High Schools, Louisville, Kentucky. These schools formerly operated on the campus that is now home to Meyzeek Middle School.
History of Booker T. Washington Elementary and Jackson Junior High Schools, Louisville, Kentucky. These schools formerly operated on the campus that is now home to Meyzeek Middle School.
History of Booker T. Washington Elementary and Jackson Junior High Schools, Louisville, Kentucky. These schools formerly operated on the campus that is now home to Meyzeek Middle School.
History of Booker T. Washington Elementary and Jackson Junior High Schools, Louisville, Kentucky. These schools formerly operated on the campus that is now home to Meyzeek Middle School.
This interview covers White's recollection of his five years living in Sheppard Square as an adolescent and teenager. White reveals both the positive and negative impact that the community has had on his life. White recalls being undernourished, lacking clean clothes, being late or missing school, and minor criminal activity. He credits a long list of community-based support systems; mentors and outreach programs, especially at the Presbyterian Community Center and Meyzeek Middle School, with helping him to to achieve his goals. White is upset over the demolition of Sheppard Square and laments a community lost to future generations. Additionally, he's concerned that there may be a lack of "safety net" housing.