Railroad yards

= Audio Available Online
Mr. Burkhart is a retired L&N employee and past General Chairman of the Railroad Yardmasters of America. Main topics: father's railroad background and L&N ties with the Shelby Park community near the Oak Street Yard; military railroad experience during World War II; postwar changes in railroading at the L&N; military railroad experience during the Korean conflict; union activities and reflections on Burkhart's years as General Chairman; physical differences in the three Louisville L&N Railroad yards: east Louisville, Water Street, and the South Louisville yard. Additional comments on union activities, the L&N Railroad battalion and its training activities.
17 years old when employed by L&N. Recollections on the East Louisville Yards during the 1920s. Ms. Larkin worked as a stenographer for 11 years and then as a rate clerk. Descriptions of the clerical shifts, veterinarian, mechanical personnel, and local industry as it related to L&N (example: Ballard & Ballard Mill and the Bourbon Stock Yards). Competing railroads for local business. Explanation of L&N procedure for cutback and reassignment of personnel (roll-out). How this procedure moved Larkin to the Accounting Department at 9th and Broadway. During this time there were several consolidations of service measures instigated by the L&N (1931). General Office in 1931 and how the consolidation of services affected station agents. Explanation of accounting terms and procedures as they relate to the L&N Railroad. Additional descriptions of the main office building at 9th and Broadway. Elliot Fisher Group described along with various topics: large amounts of scrap metal sent to Japan; hiring of women during both wars; central accounting bureau and procedures. Computerization of the accounting department and loss of personnel, union activities, station accounts, and physical arrangement of the divisions of the accounting department. Changes that took place prior to move to the Jacksonville headquarters of the Seaboard Coast Lines Industries. This transfer was completed in June 1980.
Rebecca Smith is a retired South Louisville shops employee. She was among a large group of women hired by the L&N Railroad during World War II. Main topics: early life and jobs before employment with the L&N; work experiences in Shop 13; work experiences in Shop 14; importance of the union (International Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers) for women workers; reflections on race relations at the South Louisville shops; condition of the rail cars cleaned by Smith; limitation of facilities for women employees; limitation experienced by women employees that made transition to the skilled crafts difficult; work experiences at Strawberry Yard (good description of all phases of work done by women); additional work experiences after returning to the South Louisville shops; wrap up and personal items about Ms. Smith's life.