Shape-note singing

= Audio Available Online
Bobbie Faust, the editor of the weekly newspaper in Benton, Kentucky (The Tribune-Courier), has covered Big Singing Day for the last eight years. Photograph included.
Mrs. Joyce reminisces about Big Singing Day, held the fourth Sunday in May of each year, in Benton, Kentucky. This type of singing uses the shape note tunebook, The Southern Harmony, published in 1854. This type of singing is very rare. Photo included.
Lucile Lilly reminisces about Big Sing Day. Part of Deborah Loftis' series on shape-note singing.
In addition to speaking about Big Sing Day, Dr. Mofield speaks about early radio in Kentucky (briefly). Photograph included.
Nichols is a leader of shape-note singing. Photograph included.
Tula Nichols reminisces about Big Sing Day in Benton, KY (photo in file).