
= Audio Available Online
Sheree Beaumont was a teacher at Norton Elementary School at the time this interview was conducted. She answered questions regarding her younger influences, teaching experience, and thoughts about KERA (Kentucky Education Reform Act) and the teaching profession in general.
Dr. Alicia Brazeau earned her MA (2007) and PhD (2012) in the English department at UofL. As an MA Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) from 2005-2007, she held the position of writing consultant at the University Writing Center (UWC) under the guidance of former Director Carol Mattingly. Brazeau then returned to the UWC, where she served as Assistant Director from 2008-2012, while pursuing her PhD in Rhetoric and Composition. In her Assistant Director role, she was also responsible for running the Virtual Writing Center. She recalls the leadership challenges that occurred in the wake of Mattingly’s departure from the UWC, and how utilizing Mattingly’s approach toward constant reevaluation of practices contributed to her success. These leadership experiences also inform her current work at The College of Wooster, where she has served as Writing Center Director since 2012. She discusses the problems faced by having an entirely new staff when taking on this role, and how her reliance on the mentorship she received at the UWC allowed her to learn from her mistakes and create a strong foundation for her current program. Brazeau then discusses how she leans in on the interdisciplinary experiences she had at the UWC to inform how she assists writers and consultants from a variety of backgrounds. Finally, she describes the reward of learning from the students she tutored, and how those interactions helped her become a better instructor.
Dr. Smitherman Clark earned her PhD in the English department in 2007, where she held a position as a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) from 1998-2003. As a GTA, Smitherman Clark was hired as one of the first Assistant Directors. She describes the early formation of the University Writing Center by Carol Mattingly, Ruth Miller, and English department PhD GTAs. Smitherman Clark was highly involved with the Writing Center Research Project (WCRP), particularly conducting oral histories of founding writing center scholars and promoting the WCRP at conferences. She discusses the writing center's space on Ekstrom's third floor and the technology used in the center, such as Google, transcription machines, and AccuTrack. She also talks about her experience in the PhD program with a focus on rhetoric and composition. Finally she discusses her current role as the Writing and Communication Center Director at the University of Central Arkansas.
An oral history interview with the former chair of the Home Economics Department at the University of Louisville.
Dianne Johnson was a teacher at Norton Elementary School at the time of the interview. She answered questions regarding her younger influences, teaching experiences, and thouhts about KERA (Kentucky Education Reform Act) and the teaching profession in general.
Dr. Jamila Kareem earned her PhD in the English department at UofL in 2017, where she held a position as a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) from 2013-2017. As a GTA, she served as a writing consultant and, later, as Assistant Director of the Virtual Writing Center (2015-2016). She also served as Assistant Director of Composition from 2016-2017. Kareem recalls her experiences working with Director Bronwyn Williams and former Associate Directors Adam Robinson and Cassie Book. This includes Kareem’s recounting of the technical hurdles faced during her time in the University Writing Center’s (UWC) original third floor location in Ekstrom library. Kareem illustrates the benefits of using tools like WC Online, which allowed her to assist writers by easily accessing documents during video appointments and maintaining detailed records of each appointment. She then describes the emotional and intellectual reward of consulting in the UWC, especially when she was able to help writers alleviate anxiety and achieve their writing goals. By looking beyond the writing and working with the writer as an individual, Kareem was able to effectively help writers grapple with difficult topics. Finally, she fondly recalls the level of comfort and safety she felt while consulting under the guidance of Bronwyn, Adam, and Cassie.
Tape has not been found. An interview about becoming an American citizen. Summary available.
Dr. Jennifer Marciniak earned her PhD in the English department in 2019, where she also held a position as a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA). As a GTA, Marciniak served as an Assistant Director of the Virtual Writing Center (VWC) for two years (2012-2014). In her role, she tutored distance education students, conducted the first virtual dissertation writing retreat, and reached out to faculty. In this interview, Marciniak mentions several formative examples of her tutoring, including working with personal statements, students with disabilities, and nontraditional learners. She describes vivid memories of the consultants' office at the Ekstrom Library 3rd floor location. She also mentions the technologies used for virtual and in-person tutoring including Tutor Track, iPads, and Google Hangouts. Finally, Marciniak reflects on the impact of the UWC in her professional trajectory.
Dr. Rebecca Hallman Martini worked in the UofL Writing Center from 2010 to 2012 while earning her M.A. In this interview, she reflects on a wide range of topics, such as starting the satellite writing center on the Health Science Campus, learning best practices under the direction of Dr. Bronwyn Williams, and cultivating a welcoming environment for visitors to the writing center. She discusses the communal nature of the writing center space and how it changed with developments like the introduction of student artwork. Dr. Hallman Martini also addresses how her time at UofL influenced her eventual dissertation, an ethnographic study of a writing center, citing her experience as the reason she chose to pursue a PhD. Finally, she talks about how she entered the writing center early in its relationship with technology, so she shares how the center handled asynchronous sessions through TutorTrac and material from the Purdue OWL before developing its own in-house handouts and resources.

El Dr. Braulio Meso era instructor de ESL en el momento de la entrevista y nació en Santiago de Cuba en 1961. Después de terminar la escuela secundaria en Cuba en 1979, le ofrecieron una beca para estudiar en Rusia. Estuvo en Rusia de 1980 a 1985, donde obtuvo una licenciatura en Física y Matemáticas y también una licenciatura en idioma ruso. Después de terminar, regresó a Cuba donde trabajó como profesor de matemáticas y astronomía en una escuela secundaria. En 1998, ganó la Lotería de Visas para Cuba, lo que le permitió a él, a su esposa y a sus tres hijos mudarse a los Estados Unidos. Eligió Louisville, Kentucky porque después de investigar en otros estados, decidió que era el mejor en términos de clima y oportunidades laborales. Su familia había estado viviendo en Louisville durante aproximadamente 20 años en el momento de la entrevista. En su tiempo en Louisville, trabajó en 3 trabajos: los dos primeros en fábricas y luego como maestro de ESL.

En esta entrevista, el profesor Mesa habla sobre su educación y carrera educativa, sus recuerdos de Cuba, los problemas y la inestabilidad política de Cuba, las personas que lo criaron, su herencia, su viaje y cómo lo llevó a Louisville, las diferencias entre la educación en Cuba , Rusia y los Estados Unidos, el progreso y el futuro de los programas de ESL dentro de los sistemas educativos, y su experiencia y crecimiento con respecto al idioma inglés.

Dr. Braulio Mesa was an ESL instructor at the time of the interview who was born in Santiago de Cuba in 1961. After finishing high school in Cuba in 1979, he was offered a scholarship to study in Russia. He was in Russia from 1980 to 1985 where he got a bachelor’s degree in physics and Math and also a degree in Russian language. After completion, he returned to Cuba where he worked as a math and astronomy teacher in a high school. In 1998, he won the Visa Lottery for Cuba which allowed him, his wife, and three kids to move to the United States. He picked Louisville, Kentucky because after doing research on other states, he decided it was the best fit in terms of weather and job opportunities. His family had been living in Louisville for approximately 20 years at the time of the interview (2018). In his time in Louisville, he’s worked 3 jobs - the first two in factories and then as an ESL teacher.

In this interview, Professor Mesa discusses how his upbringing and educational career, his memories of Cuba, Cuba’s political unrest and issues, the people that raised him, his heritage, his journey and how it led him to Louisville, the differences between education in Cuba, Russia, and the United States, the progress and future of ESL programs within education systems, and his experience and growth regarding the English language.