Women legislators

= Audio Available Online
Women on the Louisville Board of Aldermen. Barbara Gregg, Second Ward Alderman for the city of Louisville, discusses how she got involved in politics. She also describes her involvement in city government and her campaign to get elected. She also describes her goal of setting up the Youth Council. She also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of being a woman in politics and issues in politics that affect women.
Ms. Kidd discusses her life, including her childhood growing up in Bourbon County. Kidd attended the Lincoln Institute in Simpsonville, Kentucky, and then began working for Mammoth Life Insurance Company, a Louisville-based Black-owned life insurance company. She discusses her career with Mammoth Life, which was interrupted by service in the Red Cross during World War II. She discusses her experiences with the Red Cross, both during her training and during her service overseas. She discusses differences in white attitudes, in particular. She describes her work in public relations and sales after the war, as well as her political career. She was elected to the Kentucky Assembly in 1967 and began serving in 1968. She discusses her attempts to pass legislation to give tax breaks to companies that would provide training to Kentucky residents, and her successful efforts to pass a low-cost housing bill.
Interview with Melissa Mershon about her career in local politics.