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0:00 - Final committee report of the Jewish Community Center's family history project

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Partial Transcript: The Jewish Community Center's Family History Project final committee report.

Segment Synopsis: Betty Bronner, chair of the Jewish Community Center's Family History Project is giving an oral summary of the type of information gathered through the community interviews. She first summarizes some of the reasons why people came to Louisville.

1:17 - Location of the early Jewish neighborhood

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Partial Transcript: The early Louisville Haymarket area, Abe Berman said...

Segment Synopsis: Mrs. Bronner states the location of the early Jewish neighborhood in Louisville, including the location of the shuls.

1:59 - Description of the people interviewed for the JCC Family History project

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Partial Transcript: The people we interviewed, a small group comparatively...

Segment Synopsis: Mrs. Bronner gives a general description of the types of people who were interviewed for the Family History project, including where they emigrated from, the types of jobs they gained, and some of the troubles they faced and overcame.

4:20 - Culture of the early Jewish neighborhood in Louisville

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Partial Transcript: They came to Louisville and as Irv Lipetz said so well...

Segment Synopsis: Mrs. Bronner summarizes the entertainment, prices of food and events, importance of the YMHA, and the general culture of the early Louisville Jewish neighborhood. She also lists some of the Jewish-owned businesses.

8:25 - Individual success and stories

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Partial Transcript: There were many strong successes.

Segment Synopsis: Mrs. Bronner names some of the individuals who were highly successful, including individuals who established business in Louisville.