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0:05 - Introduction 0:45 - Buckler provides biographical information. 1:56 - How he got interested in playing music 3:10 - Talks about first band Generic Reality

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Keywords: Dave Hughes; John Hawkins; Mohawk Dave; Perry Joiner

4:21 - Learns about punk rock 6:26 - How was punk different 9:28 - Describes venues he played. 10:20 - How punk changed his life. 11:22 - Talks about the genesis of Slint 14:43 - Describes Britt Walford and Dave Pajo, other members of Slint 17:59 - Talks about Louisville bands that influenced him 20:11 - Talks about recording the first Slint record Tweez 24:11 - Discusses genesis of his band King Kong 27:11 - Describes his desire to simplify his music and the influence of the blues on him. 30:27 - Describes developing his musical style in King Kong 33:20 - Describes how working at Ralph Nader's office prepared him to promote his music